Assalamualaikum Naufar Daniel and Darrel Miyzad.
Anak-anak mama puasa ke hari ni? Today is first day of Ramadhan, the month of blessings, the month where everymuslim is waiting for. I can't wait for both of you to start fasting, then I will cook your favourite foods. Then we'll be praying tarawih together. Sekarang ni kamu berdua tengok mama solat kat tepi je kan. Moga mama mampu didik kamu menjadi muslim, mukmin yang baik.
Semalam, mama bercerita dengan abah pasal Daniel. Do you remember abah took you two out to Setia City Mall? Iye, lupa eh? Mama was having a course in Goldcourse Klang so abah had to take care of you guys. Abah told me that you guys had Nandos for lunch. Abah said Daniel ni tak abis-abis berceloteh masa abah bawak kamu berdua keluar. Masa makan pun bising ye kamu! So
there was Daniel with his meal, chips and soup. Sambil makan, mulut duk
berceloteh. Abah bagi kamu makan ayam and you kept on
saying “Chicken..chicken”. without noticing after that Daniel kutip ayam tu n
put in the glass of water. Air sapa la jadi mangsa tu. The chicken
pieces jatuh la kat dasar gelas tu. You excitedly said “”. What a
clever little boy. Maksudnya Daniel tahu kaitkan yg ikan hidup dalam air.
Anak-anak ni ibarat kain putih yang dicorak oleh ibubapa nya.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. diriwayatkan Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda, “Setiap anak dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah iaitu suci bersih. Kedua
orang tuanyalah yang membuatnya menjadi Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi”.
and I decided that we should read the boys bedtime story to encourage them to
read. I guess from reading, Daniel develops his communication skills. Talks,
recognize things, tahu pasal chicken, pasal fish. Paling utama mama dan abah nak kamu berdua kenal siapa tuhan kamu. Allah. Allah. Allah. Apa tujuan kamu dilahirkan. Apa tugas kamu. Siapa musuh kamu. Macam-macam mama nak ajar, bukan setakat Chicken and Fish semata. Dan kamu pilihlah daripada apa yang mama mampu ajar nanti, mana yang betul, mana yang tidak. Ok?
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Tengku Naufar Daniel |
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Tengku Darrel Miyzad |
Do you remember that last Monday was your 2nd birthday, Daniel? Mama wishes you sayang a very happy birthday, may your life is blessed n showered with love, rahmah from Allah. I love you very much. End of this month will be Darrel Miyzad 1st birthday, 28th of July. Mama looks forward for that day. Mama loves you too very much. Moga anak-anak mama jadi hamba Allah yang baik, umat yang baik, pemimpin yang baik, semua yang baik-baik belaka insyaAllah.
Since today is first day of Ramadhan, I celebrate it with a new blog. I wish to write things about God, about family, about my life as a mum and a wife. Dah lama berniat untuk buat blog, cuma kekuatan tu tak ada. One of my checklist for ramadhan is to accomplish it with writing any goodthings yang terlintas di kepala ni as a reminder to me and others. I wish that this blog akan meniti di hati sesiapa saja, meninggalkan jejak, leave a footprint or two, step by these tinyfeet and hands, membawa kebaikan walaupun sedikit, insyaAllah.
Till we meet again,
Mama Anis.
mummy tummy one two thee!
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