Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Chocolate Chocolate Chips Cheese Cupcakes

Base :
Digestive biscuit
Koko powder
Melted buttercup butter

Filling :
2 packets of cream cheese
1 cup of  fine sugar
2 egss
1 tablespoon of esen vanilla
Koko powder
3 tablespoons of tepung gandum
1 packet of chocolate chips

Directions :
1. Susun cupcakes liner dalam muffin tray of cupcake tray. Preheat the oven as well.
2. Hancur digestive biscuts, masukkan koko powder, gaul sebati dengan digestive biscuit yang dah dihancurkan, then add melted butter.
3. This crumbs will be the base, so letak dalam cupcakes liner. Tekan-tekan guna jari to make the base. Store in fridge.
4. To make the filling, pukul cream cheese dengan mixer, add in gula halus. Mix till soft.
5. Add in one egg at a time and continue mixing.
6. Letak esen vanilla sikit.
7. While mixing, masukkan koko powder dan tepung sikit-sikit. If you would like the batter to be more chocolatey, then add some more coco powder.
8. Pastu dah siap, letak mixer away dan masukkan chocolate chips. Just use spatula to mix the batter and the chocolate chips.
9. Masukkan batter tu dalam cupcake liners using ice-cream scoop supaya setiap adunan tu dibahagi sama rata.
10. Nak kasi cantik cam dalam gambar tu, letak chocolate chips atas cupcakes kita yang dah ready untuk dibakar.
11. Bake in the oven 180 degree celsius for 25 minutes or till bake.

I made this for Hari Raya Aidilfitri lepas. 

Happy baking,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Anak-anak Kecil Di Syurga


Mulut suami saya berzikir-zikir ambil tangannya tepuk si abang, saya pula tepuk yang adiknya. Tiba-tiba Naufar Daniel bangun daripada tidur, dia macam terkejut sambil pegang mulut menangis-nangis. Terus terkeluar semua yang dimakannya. Selalunya dalam situasi yang melibatkan anak ni, tindakan reflect saya lagi pantas daripada suami. Tak tahu lah orang lain, ni pengalaman sendiri. Terus angkat Daniel ke toilet, urut perut dan belakang dia, selawat-selawat sikit biar keluar muntah-muntah sampai habis. Alhamdulillah, wash-up sikit, tukar baju seluar, tepuk dia tidur semula. 

Esoknya, si adik pulak yang sakit, dan confirm lah, kena foodpoisoning lepas makan sup kat luar. Cuma Miyzad ni, antibody dia kuat sikit, takdelah dia menangis macam Daniel. Muntah sambil gelak-gelak lagi, cirit banyak kali sampai bocor-bocor kena seluar lagi. Boleh main menyorok-nyorok lagi bila kita kejar dia nak basuh mulut yang penuh muntah. Daniel je yang terbaring, tak main macam selalu. Ambil dari nurseri pun, sampai rumah mintak bantal untuk baring depan tv.

*     *     *

Sebagai ibu, saya terbayangkan anak-anak saya yang sedang sakit muntah-muntah ni sebagai anak-anak kecil di Mesir, Syria dan Palestine. Kita ni, tengok anak sakit pon dah sedih, susah hati, ini pula kalau anak-anak kecil di Mesir, Syria berjuang hidup mati kat sana. Sungguh saya sendiri bergelut dengan macam-macam perasaan.

Saya rasa sangat marah dengan serangan senjata kimia yang dilakukan oleh Assad. Video-video yang di'share' di laman facebook, gambar-gambar yang dimuat turun menambahkan lagi kemarahan saya bila saya melihatnya. Jika saya yang jauh di Malaysia ni boleh ada perasaan marah, apatah lagi anak-anak kecil di Mesir, Syria, Palestin yang kehilangan ibu ayah, datuk nenek, abang kakak, adik-adik, dan saya akui mereka sangat berhak untuk marah.

Sedih dan simpati. Memang tak dapat diketepikan. Hampir setiap malam saya akan meluahkan kesedihan saya pada suami saya. Saya berasa bersalah kerana apa yang saya hanya mampu lakukan adalah menyumbang sedikit dari segi wang ringgit dan doa. Saya menyalahkan diri sendiri kerana tak mampu lakukan sumbangan yang lebih besar.

Dan perasaan utama yang bergelut sekarang ini adalah cemburu. Iya, saya sangat cemburu. Cemburu dengan ujian yang Allah turunkan kepada mereka. Kerana saya tak tahu jika saya berada di tempat mereka adakah iman saya sekuat mereka untuk melawan semula? Atau adakah kemarahan saya itu hanya akan dipendam sahaja? Ujian yang Allah turunkan kepada mereka menunjukkan betapa besarnya jiwa mereka, hati mereka dan iman mereka. Dan secara tak langsung saya juga tahu betapa lemahnya iman saya ini.

Anak-anak kecil ini, jangan pertikaikan semangat jihad mereka. Saya percaya punca utama tentera Assad membunuh anak-anak Syria ini adalah kerana perasaan gerun mereka jika satu hari nanti anak-anak ini membesar menjadi pejuang-pejuang Islam di masa hadapan. Menjadi salah satu impian terbesar saya sebagai ibu adalah membesarkan anak-anak saya sebagai pejuang Islam, dan mengajar mereka rindukan erti syahid, insyaAllah. Ameen, ameen, ameen.

"Kami akan isikan hati orang-orang kafir itu dengan perasaan gerun, disebabkan mereka mempersekutukan Allah dengan benda-benda (yang mereka sembah) yang Allah tidak menurunkan sebarang keterangan yang membenarkannya. Dan (dengan yang demikian) tempat kembali mereka ialah neraka dan itulah seburuk-buruk tempat tinggal bagi orang-orang yang zalim." [Ali-Imran : 51]

Saya rasa ramai yang dah lihat gambar yang di'share' di page Tangisan Syria Di Bumi Jordan. Salah satu gambar yang sangat terkesan pada saya adalah gambar di bawah.

Janin 8 bulan terbunuh akibat peluru yang menembusi kepalanya. Boleh lihat peluru melalui sinar-X. Ibunya telah ditembak di pusat pemeriksaan rejim Assad. Maaf jika ada yang rasa tak sanggup tengok gambar-gambar yang dimuat turun ini.

Sebelum ni, memang saya rasa tak ada kekuatan nak bercakap pasal isu ini. Saya terpanggil untuk menulis tentang isu selepas melihat gambar ini. Semoga penulisan dan peringatan yang saya selitkan dalam blog kali ini bermanfaat.

Salam sayang,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!

Monday, 19 August 2013

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin

I hope it is not to late to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir Batin. May Allah grant us all loves, happiness, health and jannah insyaAllah. Tahun ni raya dengan in-laws, dah dua tahun beraya dengan mak ayah sebab bersalin dan berpantang masa raya. 

p/s : Please make doa for our brothers and sisters in Mesir. Allah uji mereka dengan ujian yang besar kerana iman, jiwa dan hati mereka juga besar. Kita bagaimana?

Eid Mubarak,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

21st Ramadhan : A Friend

Dear Abang,

I said a prayer for you quietly today,
Hoping that you are always in your best health,
So that you could give your best in everything you do.

I recited Al-Fatihah for you today,
While place my hand on my chest,
Praying that you will feel what I feel now,
Feeling of longing for you to be here.

I thanked Allah today,
For sending you to me as a friend,
For when you are around,
Serve you means Allah bless me with His love,
For when you are around,
You make my imaan rise.

And for that I want to meet you again in Jannah, insyaAllah.

Video bawah ni zaman tengah bekerja/ belajar dengan Encik Suami kat UK dulu. I met and got to know him while working with him in a committee. So we were good-team-mate/ friend back then, but I guess we still are and insyaAllah will continue be closer friend then before. Rindu ahh zaman belajar.

p/s : A husband is a pleasure from Allah, be thankful to Allah and His blessings through love.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

16th Ramadhan : I Make Milk

Alhamdulillah, we are already halfway through ramadhan. How is your amalan so far? 

Today, I would like to share about my breastfeeding experienced. I love to talk about breastfeeding. When I was first delivering my eldest son, my mom told me she never breastfed me and all of my siblings when we were babies. She said she couldn't provide enough milk for us, and that she always has inverted nipple which is make it difficult to feed us. So you see, I've come from environment that is not aware about the importance of breastfeeding, the benefits of it, the beauty of doing it. But Alhamdulillah, my husband has been always supported me in nursing our babies.

Few-days old Daniel in KPJ Breastfeeding/Pumping room
with abah peneman setia mama

I have breastfeed two of my babies exclusively until they were 6 months old as recommended by WHO and UNICEF. Evidence has shown that exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is the optimal way of feeding babies. And then after that, babies should receive complimentary food with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years old. Daniel is already 2 years old, I managed to breastfeed him till he was 1 years old, and then Darrel came along, I've experienced tandem nursing for a few days with them both, after that Daniel preferred bottle-feeding, but still alhamdulillah, 1 year is a long way. Now, Darrel Miyzad is still breasfeeding and will continue insyaAllah till another year.

So, why breastfeed? Why choose to? Honestly, at first, I do not know. It just came to my mind that I should breastfeed my baby since it is one of the sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. When first I got Daniel, I just had few knowledge about it. Knowledge is a must for you to breastfeed your child. Alhamdulillah, I delivered them at KPJ Shah Alam, one of Baby-and-Breastfeeding Friendly hospital. A day before I delivered Daniel, the nurses taught me on how to start breastfeed, the right positions, how do you stimulate your breast to make milk. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, seperti ditakdirkan, Allah sent me knowledge, awareness about breastfeeding through them.

Eventhough Daniel only managed to fully breastfeed till he's 1, but I continued to provide him breastmilk in many different ways such as I made breastmilk-icecream for him, if he wanted to eat his cereal, I would give him cereal+breastmilk instead of full-fat milk, he had his scramble eggs with breastmilk in it (need to slow cook it as you don't want to loose all the nutrients in breastmilk), only that he did not want directfeed anymore ever since his brother came into the family. All of these still happens till now.

So as time goes by, now, alhamdulillah, I know why I choose to breastfeed my babies. In life, every creation has their own purpose. We have been created by Allah to worship Him, our hands are created to hold, feet to walk, eyes to see, nose to smell, ears to hear, and masyaAllah, I believe Allah jadikan kita-kita ini (read as wanita-wanita ini) lekuk di badan cukup cantik, very figure-shaped with beautiful breasts, and we have been blessed with breasts to produce milk to our children. And that is the reason why I choose to breastfeed my children because I know the purpose Allah creates it in the first place and will continue doing it to my other children insyaAllah.

InsyaAllah, in the future, I will write and share more about how to increase breastmilk, how I can still provide breastmilk to my kids when I go to work, I bet most of it you just can google it anyway, but I still want to share how do I manage it.

Please, I hope my entry will not bring any other mothers down if you decide not to breastfeed your kids. I'm not judging other mothers. I personally think that whether or not to breastfeed is an individual decision. And, ultimately, it is each mother's right to decide what is best for her and her baby.

I make milk and proud of it,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

8th Ramadhan : MasyaAllah How Kind Allah Is

Last Sunday, on the way ke PKNS mencari baju raya husband, husband tanya saya satu soalan.

"Sya, if the kids all grown up, and they will be asking us question why do we have to fast on Ramadhan, what you will answer eh?"

"You? You, Abang nak jawab apa dulu?"

"Kalau depa tanya, I'll just tell them to ask you..hehehe."

"Hmm..well, kalo in scientific view boleh la orang nak jawab, tapi in Islamic view orang kena pikir dulu lah.."

This post supposed to be yesterday's post actually, so yesterday, when I was reading Al-Quran, I came across this ayat.

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Diwajibkan berpuasa ke atas kamu sebagaimana diwajibkan puasa ke atas orang-orang sebelum kamu supaya kamu memperolehi taqwa." 
[Al-Baqarah : 183]

Masa I came across this ayat, terus saya texted husband and asked him.

"Do you still need an answer why do we have to fast?"

Kadang-kadang, bukan kita tak tahu nak jawab apa, tahu je kenapa kena puasa, tapi jawapan nya mesti tak tepat and tak lekat pon dalam hati, dalam ingatan. Jadi, masyaAllah, Allah bagi kita jawapan yang lagi tepat in His own way. And in this case, jawapan tu saya dapat masa saya membaca Al-Quran. Thank you Allah!

I remember watching this video below about ramadhan but tak perasan ayat Al-Quran ni disebut. 

MasyaAllah, how kind Allah is!

Today is 8th of Ramadhan, if you think you haven't utilise your ramadhan to the fullest, then please, we still have 22 days for it insyaAllah. Please don't waste it.

Tak semua orang yang berpuasa akan beroleh taqwa, but I pray that semoga Allah masukkan kita di kalangan orang-orang yang bertaqwa itu, insyaAllah.

Take care,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!

Monday, 15 July 2013

6th Ramadhan : Homs

Oh God, You are our only hope.
Oh God, we are empty-handed people.

Saya selalu terfikir, bila kita tengok video2 begini, orang selalu kata kita kena bersyukur sebab di Malaysia hidup aman, tak berperang, itu la ini la. Memang la bersyukur, alhamdulillah, tapi bersyukur ke kita kalau kita hidup senang-lenang kat sini tapi biar orang lain hidup susah?

Kalau mereka adalah anak-anak generasi kita, apa yang kita rasa? Semoga Allah merahmati mereka. I wish, I wish I could do more, help more, share more, give more.

Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

2nd Ramadhan : Mana Darrel, Mama?

Air yang dicincang tak akan putus.

Familiar quotes??

Pagi ni, I was sending the boys as usual. Daniel was still feverish tapi main cam biasa. Darrel tak demam tapi nangis sebab nak didukung. 

"Baca doa naik car, Daniel."


Daniel dia ingat ayat depan and a few ayat belakang je doa tu. Sambil sembang2 then, we arrived at the nursery. Daniel was out first, then the bags, the foods, and then Darrel. Tapi Darrel, Ibu Nani dia yang ambil. So Ibu Nani dia bawak la duk kat kerusi luar. So Daniel was waiting for his little brother inside, kept on asking me "Mana Darrel, mama?". Dia ingat Darrel tertinggal agaknya, so he started to cry. Loud and getting LOUD! Risau adik dia hilang.

I never noticed Daniel develops love towards Darrel. Yela budak, tau main, berebut mainan, gaduh dengan adiknya. Tambah-tambah lagi dua2 hero. Dulu sebelum Darrel lahir, siap baca buku lagi how to develop love between siblings. I was always worried back then what if Daniel feel alone, dipinggirkan, tak disayangi. Macam-macam. Till one day, I cried the whole day thinking of this. And for mummies out there who have this kind of worries when you are expecting second, third child , don't worry, it is normal.

Putting Darrel to sleep.

These are a few things that I did and still do to build strong siblings relationship between them.

1. Kalau Daniel gaduh dengan Darrel instead of me comfort them, I will ask Daniel to say sorry to Darrel and kiss him.

2. Make Daniel feel important as he is the eldest one. Bila dia ambil mainan, minta dia ambil mainan untuk adik dia jugak. Bila dia ambil pampers, minta dia ambil pampers untuk adik dia jugak. Bila dia ambil makanan, ambil makanan untuk adik dia jugak.

3. Let them have bonding time. Baca bedtime story sama2, makan sama2, kadang2 kalau biarkan diorang sendiri, a few time I noticed Daniel main cak-cak dengan Darrel.

4. Pray and pray a lot so that Allah semaikan kasih sayang tu antara diorang berdua.

Simple 4 tips right? There are a lot more, but these 4 are the most usual , common things that I did everyday.

No doubt that there will always be some a few days that they will have their siblings rivalry, tapi I believe it is just a healthy rivalry .

Masak apa berbuka hari ni?? Nak masak western lah!

Till we meet again,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

1st Ramadhan : Chicken and Fish

Assalamualaikum Naufar Daniel and Darrel Miyzad.

Anak-anak mama puasa ke hari ni? Today is first day of Ramadhan, the month of blessings, the month where everymuslim is waiting for. I can't wait for both of you to start fasting, then I will cook your favourite foods. Then we'll be praying tarawih together. Sekarang ni kamu berdua tengok mama solat kat tepi je kan. Moga mama mampu didik kamu menjadi muslim, mukmin yang baik.

Semalam, mama bercerita dengan abah pasal Daniel. Do you remember abah took you two out to Setia City Mall? Iye, lupa eh? Mama was having a course in Goldcourse Klang so abah had to take care of you guys. Abah told me that you guys had Nandos for lunch. Abah said Daniel ni tak abis-abis berceloteh masa abah bawak kamu berdua keluar. Masa makan pun bising ye kamu! So there was Daniel with his meal, chips and soup. Sambil makan, mulut duk berceloteh. Abah bagi kamu makan ayam and you kept on saying “Chicken..chicken”. without noticing after that Daniel kutip ayam tu n put in the glass of water. Air sapa la jadi mangsa tu. The chicken pieces jatuh la kat dasar gelas tu. You excitedly said “”. What a clever little boy. Maksudnya Daniel tahu kaitkan yg ikan hidup dalam air.

Anak-anak ni ibarat kain putih yang dicorak oleh ibubapa nya. 

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. diriwayatkan Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, “Setiap anak dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah iaitu suci bersih. Kedua orang tuanyalah yang membuatnya menjadi Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi”.

Husband and I decided that we should read the boys bedtime story to encourage them to read. I guess from reading, Daniel develops his communication skills. Talks, recognize things, tahu pasal chicken, pasal fish. Paling utama mama dan abah nak kamu berdua kenal siapa tuhan kamu. Allah. Allah. Allah. Apa tujuan kamu dilahirkan. Apa tugas kamu. Siapa musuh kamu. Macam-macam mama nak ajar, bukan setakat Chicken and Fish semata. Dan kamu pilihlah daripada apa yang mama mampu ajar nanti, mana yang betul, mana yang tidak. Ok?

Tengku Naufar Daniel
Tengku Darrel Miyzad

Do you remember that last Monday was your 2nd birthday, Daniel? Mama wishes you sayang a very happy birthday, may your life is blessed n showered with love, rahmah from Allah. I love you very much. End of this month will be Darrel Miyzad 1st birthday, 28th of July. Mama looks forward for that day. Mama loves you too very much. Moga anak-anak mama jadi hamba Allah yang baik, umat yang baik, pemimpin yang baik, semua yang baik-baik belaka insyaAllah.

Since today is first day of Ramadhan, I celebrate it with a new blog. I wish to write things about God, about family, about my life as a mum and a wife. Dah lama berniat untuk buat blog, cuma kekuatan tu tak ada. One of my checklist for ramadhan is to accomplish it with writing any goodthings yang terlintas di kepala ni as a reminder to me and others. I wish that this blog akan meniti di hati sesiapa saja, meninggalkan jejak, leave a footprint or two, step by these tinyfeet and hands, membawa kebaikan walaupun sedikit, insyaAllah.

Till we meet again,
Mama Anis.

mummy tummy one two thee!